Ka whai au ki te ia o te moana ko Raukawakawa, ki te moutere tapu o Arapaoa, tai atu au ki tōku āhuru mōwai o Waikawa, tau tau tau ana e.
Ko tōku reo nō te waka o Tokomaru, ko tōku ihi nō te maunga o Piripiri, ko tōku wehi nō te wai tuku kiko o Waitohi.
Ko Waikawa tōku marae.
Ko Ngāti Te Whiti tōku hapū.
Ko Kiara Duke-Love tōku ingoa.
He uri tēnei nō Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Kahungunu hoki.
Mauri ora ki a koutou o ngā hau e whā.
Kia ora my name is Kiara, and I am a Catchment Connector in sunny Whakatū/ Nelson.
I began volunteering with Tasman Bay Guardians in 2021, to deliver the Experiencing Marine Reserves (EMR) program in a collaborative event with my iwi at Tonga Island Marine Reserve. From then on I was hooked! My vision is to nurture kaitiakitanga inherent in our tamariki mokopuna. To challenge them to think deeply and dream big when it comes to their natural world, and encourage their self-determination as rangatira mo āpōpō, our future movers and shakers. Watching the faces of tamariki light up when they discover a green stonefly in the awa, or spot a wheke in the moana is why I love this mahi!