I’m Caz and I started delivering the Whitebait Connection education programme to kura in the Tasman region in 2023. As a kid I saved butter wrappers for the hoiho, “adopted” a Hector’s dolphin and enjoyed the great outdoors with my family. I studied geography at the University of Canterbury – learning about all sorts from the mountains to the sea. After uni, I was lucky enough to work for DOC in some pretty special places – including Fiordland and Nelson Lakes National Parks. I took a few years out from paid employment to raise my own family, who have been introduced to the great outdoors in and around Tasman. I’ve spent the last couple of years working for Playcentre Aotearoa, gaining a real understanding of how important it is for our tamariki to engage with our environment – they are the ones who will be the next kaitiaki of Te Tai-o-Aorere.
Caz Gray
Wai Connection Connector
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