Education - Schools & Community

“Nau mai haere mai ki Tasman Bay Guardians.”

Learning today, Leading tomorrow

Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōnā te ngahere. Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōnā te ao.
The forest belongs to the bird who feasts on the miro berry, the world belongs to the bird who feasts on education.

This whakataukī (proverb) highlights the transformative power of education. Tasman Bay Guardians believes that empowering and upskilling schools and communities through Mātauranga Māori and Western science is key to engaging and inspiring future generations.

Our education programmes foster a deep connection to te taiao by blending classroom learning with hands-on, inquiry-based experiences in the natural world. We aim to inspire curiosity, critical thinking, and a dedication to the practice of kaitiakitanga.  Our programmes are more than just educational—they are a fun, engaging way to connect with the wider community!


Tasman Bay Guardians (TBG) has been delivering educational programmes to kura since 2006.  Ākonga (students) begin their learning journey in the classroom and then venture into their local environment to apply and integrate their knowledge through the inquiry learning cycle.These programmes are tailored to each kura, providing a hands-on, inquiry-based approach that fosters critical thinking and real-world problem-solving skills. We offer a limited number of fully funded programmes, as well as user-paid options, to ensure accessibility and engagement for all students. Our goal is to inspire a deep connection to the natural world and to empower the next generation.


Our community education initiatives are designed to engage people of all ages in the conservation and restoration of te taiao. We offer a variety of workshops.  In addition to these workshops, we host community guided events such as freshwater spotlighting and snorkelling (fresh and salty).  This provides unique opportunities for participants to connect with each other and learn about their local ecosystems. For example at our Rotokura/Cable Bay snorkel event, we provide all necessary equipment, health and safety, and experienced snorkel guides to ensure an engaging and memorable experience.

Get Involved

Join us in making a difference!
Whether you’re passionate about marine and freshwater ecosystems or simply want to give back, there are many ways to get involved. Volunteer with us, donate to support our initiatives, become a member to stay informed or sponsor a program to make a lasting impact. Share the positive news of our efforts with your friends and whānau or participate as a citizen-scientist and help us inspire more people to join our cause. Together, we can create thriving, healthy environments for future generations. Your support matters! 

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