Useful Information
“Nau mai haere mai ki Tasman Bay Guardians.”
Working Documents and Useful Links
Beach Clean Ups & Litter Audits
- Looking Out For Shore Birds – Breeding Season and where you can’t go
- Waimea Inlet Shore Bird Breeding Map
- Risk Assessment and Monitoring
- Sustainable Coast Lines Health & Safety Brief
- Litter Project Brief
- Litter Project Methodology
- Litter Project Back Up Data Sheet (To be used when mobile device fails)
- Cessford, 1998. Visitor impact on the Abel Tasman Coastal Track
- Lawless, 2014. Application of sociometric methods to collaborative coastal management
- Lawless, 2013. Approach to Tasman Bay Management Processes Part 1
- Lawless, 2014. Approach to Tasman Bay Management Processes Part 2
- Hood and Brown, 2010. AT National Park Management Issues
- Abel Tasman Foreshore Management Plan
- Nelson Biodiversity Strategy 2017/18
- Davidson, 1992. Intertidal and shallow sub-tidal ecology of the Abel Tasman NP
- Gordon et al. 1994. Bryozoan fauna of the Kaipuke siltstone, northwest Nelson
- Handley and Cole, 2008. Effects of a 30 year fishing ban
- Dix, 2010. Biology of Evechinus chloroticus from different localities
- Bradstock and Gordon, 1983. Coral-like bryozoan growths in Tasman Bay, and their protection to conserve commercial fish stocks
- Davidson and Freeman, 2013. Abel Tasman Eco-Integrity Report
- Battley et al. 2005. Quantitative survey of the intertidal benthos of Farewell Spit Golden Bay
- Neal and Nelson. 1993. Marine Algae of the West Coast South Island, NZ
- Melville and Schuckard, 2013. Shorebirds of Farewell Spit, Golden and Tasman Bays
Marine Reserves
- Department of Conservation. Tonga Island Marine Reserve Factsheet
- Davidson and Chadderton 1994. Marine Reserve Site Selection along the Abel Tasman NP Coastline
- Ballantine, 1993. Marine Reserves and Coastal Conservation
- Ballentine, 2014. 50 years on – lessons from marine reserves in New Zealand
- Davidson, 2001. Proposed monitoring protocol, for Tonga Island Marine Reserve
- Davidson et al. 2002. Effects of marine reserve protection on spiny lobster abundance and size at Tonga Island Marine Reserve
- Davidson, 2007. Tonga Island Marine Reserve, Abel Tasman National Park: update of biological monitoring 1993 – 2007
- Pande et al. 2008. Marine reserves increase the abundance and size of blue cod and rock lobster
- Gauldie and Wood, 2008. Creating A Role For Marine Reserves In The Management of Snapper In Tasman – Golden Bays
- Freeman et al. 2012. Spiny lobster recovery in NZ marine reserves
- Davidson, 2013. Tonga Island Marine Reserve, Abel Tasman National Park: update of biological monitoring, 1993 – 2013
Artificial Reefs
Impacts on the Marine Environment
- Goff and Goff, 2001. Catastrophic events in New Zealand coastal environments
- Gibbs, 2001 Sedimentation, suspension, and resuspension in Tasman Bay
- James, 2007. Effects of environmental factors and husbandry techniques on urchins
- Miller and Abraham, 2011. Characterisation of New Zealand Kina Fisheries
- Handley and Brown, 2012. Feasibility of restoring Tasman Bay Mussel Beds
- Johnston and Gillespie, 2016. Tasman Bay State of the Environment Benthic Ecological Survey
- Ling et al. 2016. Global regime shift dynamics of catastrophic sea urchin overgrazing
- Davidson, 2018. Description of estuarine impacts from sedimentation along the Abel Tasman coast
- Mooney, 1994. The effects of removal of sea urchins
- Melville and Schuckard, 2013. Effects of selected activities on shorebirds
Marine Mammals