Lawless, P & Holman, S | 2006 | Nelson Biodiversity Strategy Technical Report | biodiversity, Nelson City Council | Report | Envirolink 160-NLCC5 | Text | |
Nelson Biodiversity Forum | 2018 | Nelson Biodiversity Strategy | biodiversity, Nelson City Council | Strategy | Nelson City Council A1861351 | Link | |
Kotahitanga mo te Taiao Alliance | 2019 | Kotahitanga mo te Taiao Strategy | biodiversity, landscape scale conservation, alliance | Strategy | | Link | |
Waimea Inlet Forum | 2010 | Waimea Inlet Management Strategy | estuaries, conservation, Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council | Strategy | Rad:946636 | Link | |
Waimea Inlet Forum | 2019 | Waimea Inlet Action Plan 2018-2021 | action plan, estuaries, conservation, Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council | Action Plan | | Link | |
Newcombe, E et al. | 2015 | Assessing the state of the environment in Tasman Bay and Golden Bay | report, Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council, state of environment, Tasman Bay, Golden Bay, Nelson Bays | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2716 | Link | Newcombe E, Clark D, Gillespie P, Morrisey D, MacKenzie L 2015. Assessing the State of the Marine Environment in Tasman Bay and Golden Bay. Prepared for Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council. Cawthron Report No. 2716. 70p plus appendix. |
Newcombe, E | 2016 | State of the Bays: Tasman Bay and Golden Bay marine environments | report, summary, Nelson City Council, Tasman District Council, state of environment, Tasman Bay, Golden Bay, Nelson Bays | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2891 | Link | |
Clark, D | 2014 | Nelson Bays ecosystem map | report, mapping, Tasman Bay, Golden Bay, Nelson Bays | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2498 | Link | Clark D 2014. Nelson Bays ecosystems map. Prepared of Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment. Cawthron Report No. 2498. 19 p. plus appendices. |
Newcombe, E & Morrisey, D | 2016 | Advice for the NCC Whakamahere Whakatu Nelson Plan: Coastal Indigenous Biodiversity | report, mapping, Tasman Bay, Golden Bay, Nelson Bays, Nelson Plan, Nelson City Council | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2943 | Link | Newcombe E, Morrisey D 2016. Advice for the NCC Whakamahere Whakatu Nelson Plan: Coastal Indigenous Biodiversity. Prepared for Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 2943. 39 p. plus appendices. |
Boffa Miskell Limited | 2016 | Nelson Coastal Study - Natural Character of the Nelson Coastal Environment | report, Nelson City Council, Nelson, coastal, natural character | Report | Boffa Miskell Ltd. C14033_06a_Final_Draft_Nelson_Coastal_Study.docx | Link | Boffa Miskell Limited 2016. Nelson Coastal Study: Natural Character of the Nelson Coastal Environment. Report prepared by Boffa Miskell Limited for Nelson City Council. |
Asher, R et al. | 2008 | Waimea Inlet Sponge Gardens | report, Waimea Inlet, sponges | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1467 | Link | Asher R, Clark K, Gillespie P 2008. Waimea Inlet Sponge Gardens. Prepared for Tasman District Council. Cawthron Report No. 1467. 18 p. |
Baker, CS et al. | 2019 | Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals, 2019 | report, marine mammals, New Zealand | Report | New Zealand Threat Classification Series 29 | Link | C.S. Baker, L. Boren, S. Childerhouse, R. Constantine, A. van Helden, D. Lundquist, W. Rayment and J.R. Rolfe 2019. Conservation status of New Zealand marine mammals, 2019. New Zealand Threat Classification Series 29. 18 p. |
Clark, K et al. | 2008 | State of the environment monitoring of Waimea Inlet: broad scale habitat mapping. | report, Waimea Inlet, mapping, state of the environment, monitoring | | Cawthron Report No. 1473 | Tasman District Council | Clark K, Gillespie P, Forrest R, Asher R 2008. State of the environment monitoring of Waimea Inlet: broad scale habitat mapping November 2006. Prepared for Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 1473. 24 p. |
Cole, R et al. | 2003 | Marine habitats, fish and benthic species within a proposes marine reserve, North Nelson. | report, marine reserve, fish, benthic species, Nelson | Report | NIWA Client Report: NEL2003-005 | Nelson City Council | Cole R, Grange K, Morrisey D 2003 Marine habitats, fish and benthic species within a proposed marine reserve, North Nelson. NIWA Client Report: NEL2003-005 40 p plus appendices. |
Davey, N et al. | 2005 | Habitat mapping of Wakapuaka Taiapure. | habitat mapping, report, Wakapuaka Taiapure | Report | NIWA Client Report: NEL2005-023 | DOC | Davey N, Bradley A, Grange K 2005. Habitat mapping of Wakapuaka Taiapure. NIWA client report Nel2005-023 prepared for Department of Conservation, Nelson. |
Davidson, R et al. | 2013 | Horoirangi Marine Reserve, North Nelson, report on rocky shore biological monitoring: 2006-2013 | Horoirangi Marine Reserve, monitoring report, rocky shore | Report | Davidson Environmental Ltd Research, survey and monitoring report number 694 | Link | Davidson R, Richards L, Bayly S, Devries D, Bodin G 2013. Horoirangi Marine Reserve, North Nelson, report on rocky shore biological monitoring: 2006–2013. Prepared by Davidson Environmental Limited for Department of Conservation. |
Davidson, R & Moffat, CR | 1990 | A report on the ecology of Waimea Inlet, Nelson. | Waimea Inlet, Nelson, ecology | Report | DOC Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy, Occasional Publication No. 1 | Link | Davidson RJ, Moffat CR 1990. A report on the ecology of Waimea Inlet, Nelson. Department of Conservation, Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy. Occasional Publication 1: 160pp. |
Davidson, R & Preece, J | 1994 | Internationally and nationally important coastal areas from Waimea Inlet to Cape Soucis, Nelson, New Zealand - Recommendations for Protection. | Nelson, coastal areas, recommendations, protection | Report | DOC Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy, Occasional Publication No. 15 | DOC | Davidson RJ, Preece J 1994. Internationally and nationally important coastal areas from Waimea Inlet to Cape Soucis, Nelson, New Zealand - Recommendations for Protection. Department of Conservation, Nelson / Marlborough Conservancy Occasional Publication No. 15. 46p. |
Davidson, R et al. | 2011 | Ecologically significant marine sites in Marlborough, New Zealand. | ecologically significant marine sites, Marlborough, monitoring | Report | | | Davidson R, Duffy C, Gaze P, Baxter A, DuFresne S, Courtney S, Hamill P 2011. Ecologically significant marine sites in Marlborough, New Zealand. Co-ordinated by Davidson Environmental Limited for Marlborough District Council and Department of Conservation. 172 p. |
Dayton, PK et al. | 1998 | Sliding baselines, ghosts, and reduced expectations in kelp forest communities. | kelp forest communities, basline determination | Article | | Link | Dayton PK, Tegner MJ, Edwards PB and Riser KL 1998. Sliding baselines, ghosts, and reduced expectations in kelp forest communities. Ecological Applications 8(2): 309-322. |
Forest & Bird | 2014 | New Zealand seabirds: sites at sea, seaward extensions, pelagic areas. | sea birds, pelagic | Report | | Link | Forest & Bird 2014. New Zealand seabirds: sites at sea, seaward extensions, pelagic areas. The Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand. 91 p. |
Freeman, D et al. | 2013 | Conservation status of New Zealand marine invertebrates | marine invertebrates, conservation status, New Zealand | Report | New Zealand Threat Classification Series 9. | Link | Freeman D, Schnabel K, Marshall B, Gordon D, Wing S, Tracey D, Hitchmough R 2014. Conservation status of New Zealand marine invertebrates, 2013 New Zealand Threat Classification Series 9. 20 p. |
Gillespie, P | 2003 | Benthic and planktonic microalgae in Tasman Bay: biomass distribution, and implications for shellfish growth. | | Report | Cawthron Report No. 835 | Link | Gillespie P 2003. Benthic and planktonic microalgae in Tasman Bay: biomass distribution, and implications for shellfish growth. Prepared for Stakeholders of the Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Programme. Cawthron Report No. 835. 26 p. |
Gillespie, P | 2008 | Preliminary assessment of the environmental status of the Nelson Haven | Nelson, Nelson Haven, environmental status | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1545 | Link | Gillespie P 2008. Preliminary assessment of the environmental status of the Nelson Haven. Prepared for Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 1545. 17 p. |
Gillespie, P | 2013 | Preliminary assessment of the environmental status of the Whangamoa Inlet, Nelson | Nelson, Whangamoa Inlet, environmental status | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2446 | Link | Gillespie P 2013. Preliminary assessment of the environmental status of the Whangamoa Inlet, Nelson. Prepared for the Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 2446. 18 p. plus appendix. |
Gillespie, P et al. | 2006 | Waimea Estuary state of environment monitoring: fine-scale benthic assessment, April 2006 | Waimea Estuary, Inlet, environment monitoring, benthic | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1315 | Link | Gillespie P, Clark K, Conwell C 2006. Waimea Estuary state of environment monitoring: fine-scale benthic assessment, April 2006. Prepared for Tasman District Council. Cawthron Report No. 1315. 27 p. |
Gillespie, P et al. | 2012 | Nelson Haven fine-scale benthic baseline 2012 | Nelson Haven, benthic | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2209 | Link | Gillespie P, Clement D, Clark DE, Asher R 2012. Nelson Haven fine-scale benthic baseline 2012. Prepared for Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 2209. 22 p. plus appendices. |
Gillespie, P et al. | 2009 | Delaware Inlet fine-scale benthic baseline 2009 | Nelson, Delaware Inlet, benthic | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1594 | Link | Gillespie P, Clement D, Asher R 2009. Delaware Inlet fine-scale benthic baseline 2009. Prepared for Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 1594. 28 p. |
Gillespie, P et al. | 2011 | Nelson Haven state of environment monitoring: broad-scale habitat mapping, January 2009 | Nelson Haven, habitat mapping | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1978 | Nelson City Council | Gillespie P, Clement D, Asher R 2011a. Nelson Haven state of environment monitoring: broad-scale habitat mapping, January 2009. Prepared for Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 1978. 46 p. |
Gillespie, P et al. | 2011 | State of the environment monitoring of Delaware Inlet: broad-scale habitat mapping January 2009 | Delaware Inlet, habitat mapping | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1903 | Link | Gillespie P, Clement D, Asher R 2011b. State of the environment monitoring of Delaware Inlet: broad-scale habitat mapping January 2009. Prepared for Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 1903. 33 p. |
Handley, S | 2006 | An analysis of historical impacts and composition of the benthic environment of Tasman and Golden Bays. | Tasman Bay, Golden Bay, historical impacts, benthic, composition | Report | NIWA Client Report: NEL2006-002 | Link | Handley S 2006. An analysis of historical impacts and composition of the benthic environment of Tasman and Golden Bays. Prepared for Tasman District Council. NIWA Client Report: NEL2006-002. 28 p. |
Handley, S et al. | 2011 | Seabird, marine mammal and surface fish surveys of Golden and Tasman Bays Part C: Boat surveys | survey, seabird, marine mammal, fish | Report | NIWA Client Report: NEL2011-020 | Link | Handley S, Sagar P, Cairney D, Carter M 2011. Seabird, marine mammal and surface fish surveys of Golden and Tasman Bays Part C: Boat surveys. Prepared for Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay Incorporated and AWE New Zealand Pty. Ltd. 33 p plus appendix. |
Handley, S & Sagar, P | 2011 | Seabird, marine mammal and surface fish surveys of Golden and Tasman Bay, Nelson Part A: Aerial surveys | survey, seabird, marine mammal, fish | Report | NIWA Client Report: NEL2011-018 | Link | Handley S, Sagar P 2011. Seabird, marine mammal and surface fish surveys of Tasman and Golden Bay, Nelson Part C: Aerial surveys. Prepared for Friends of Nelson Haven and Tasman Bay Incorporated and AWE New Zealand Pty. Ltd. 39 p |
Handley, S et al. | 2014 | The importance of benchmarking habitat structure and composition for understanding the extent of fishing impacts in soft sediment ecosystems. | benchmarking habitat, fishing impacts, soft sediment | Article | Journal of Sea Research (2014) 86: 58-68. | Link | Handley SJ, Willis TJ, Cole RG, Bradley A, Cairney DJ, Brown SN,Carter ME 2014. The importance of benchmarking habitat structure and composition for understanding the extent of fishing impacts in soft sediment ecosystems. Journal of Sea Research 86: 58-68. |
Inglis, G et al. | 2006 | Port of Nelson second baseline survey for non-indigenous marine species | Nelson, Port Nelson, marine species | Report | MAF Biosecurity New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2008/05 | Link | Inglis G, Gust N, Fitridge I, Morrisey DJ, Floerl O, Woods C, Kospartov M, Hayden B, Fenwick G 2006. Port of Nelson second baseline survey for non-indigenous marine species. MAF Biosecurity New Zealand Technical Paper No: 2008/05. Prepared by NIWA for MAFBNZ Post Border Directorate. 146 p. |
Keeley, N et al. | 2006 | Horoirangi Marine Reserve soft sediment baseline ecological survey, 2006. | soft sediment, Horoirangi marine reserve, survey | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1186 | DOC | Keeley N, Gillespie P, Bennett C 2006. Horoirangi Marine Reserve soft sediment baseline ecological survey, 2006. Prepared for Department of Conservation. Cawthron Report No. 1186. 15 p. |
MacKenzie, AL & Gillespie, P | 1986 | Plankton ecology and productivity,nutrient chemistry, and hydrography of Tasman Bay, New Zealand, 1982-1984 | plankton ecology, productivity, Tasman Bay | Article | New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research (1986) 20: 365–395. | Link | MacKenzie AL, Gillespie P 1986. Plankton ecology and productivity,nutrient chemistry, and hydrography of Tasman Bay, New Zealand, 1982-1984. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 20: 365–395. |
McKnight, DG | 1969 | Infaunal benthic communities of the New Zealand continental shelf | benthic communities, New Zealand | Article | New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research (1969) 3: 409–444 | Link | McKnight D 1969. Infaunal benthic communities of the New Zealand continental shelf. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 3: 409–444. |
McLean, M & Grange, K | 1995 | A marine habitat survey of marine reserve options, north-east of Nelson. | marine reserve, habitat | Report | NIWA report 1995/NEL60402/1 | Forest & Bird | McLean M, Grange K 1995. A marine habitat survey of marine reserve options, north-east of Nelson. NIWA report 1995/NEL60402/1 Prepared for Royal and Bird Society Nelson. 12 p plus appendices. |
Forest & Bird | 1999 | Glenduan to Ataata Point (North Nelson) Marine Reserve Application, Nelson | marine reserve application, Nelson | Application | | Link | Forest and Bird Protection Society (1999) Glenduan to Ataata Point (North Nelson) Marine Reserve Application, Nelson. ISBN 0-9597851-6-7 |
Robertson, B | 2014 | Waimea Inlet fine-scale monitoring 2013 / 2014. | Waimea Inlet, Nelson, monitoring | Report | | Tasman District Council | Robertson B 2014. Waimea Inlet fine-scale monitoring 2013 / 2014. Wriggle Coastal Management report prepared for Tasman District Council. 19 p. plus appendices. |
Robertson, B et al. | 2002 | Estuarine Environmental Assessment and Monitoring: A National Protocol | estuaries, environmental assessment, monitoring, national protocol | Protocol | Sustainable Management Fund Contract No. 5096 | Cawthron, MfE | Robertson B, Gillespie P, Asher R, Frisk S, Keeley N, Hopkins G, Thompson S and Tuckey B 2002. Estuarine environmental assessment and monitoring: a national protocol. Part A. Development, Part B. Appendices, and Part C. Application. Prepared for supporting Councils and the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Management Fund Contract No. 5096. Part A. 93 p. Part B. 159 p. Part C. 40 p plus field sheets. |
Robertson, B & Stevens, L | 2015 | Kokorua Inlet Fine Scale Monitoring 2014/15 | Kokorua Inlet, habitat mapping, monitoring | Report | | Nelson City Council | Robertson B, Stevens L, 2015. Kokorua Inlet Fine Scale Monitoring 2014/15 Wriggle Coastal Management report Prepared for Nelson City Council. 23 p. plus appendices. |
Schuckard, R & Melville, DS | 2013 | Shorebirds of Farewell Spit, Golden Bay, and Tasman Bay. | | Report | | Link | Schuckard R, Melville DS 2013. Shorebirds of Farewell Spit, Golden Bay, and Tasman Bay. Prepared for Nelson City Council and Tasman District Council 74 p. plus appendices. |
Shears, NT & Babcock, RC | 2007 | Quantitative description of mainland New Zealand’s shallow subtidal reef communities | subtidal reef communities, New Zealand | Report | DOC Science for Conservation 280 | Link | Shears NT, Babcock RC 2007. Quantitative description of mainland New Zealand’s shallow subtidal reef communities. Science for Conservation 280. 126 p. |
Sneddon, R | 2014 | Port Nelson and Nelson Haven long-term monitoring programme: Report on compiled data 1996-2014 | Port Nelson, Nelson Haven, monitoring | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2482 | Nelson City Council, Port Nelson | Sneddon R 2014. Port Nelson and Nelson Haven long-term monitoring programme: Report on compiled data 1996-2014. Prepared for Port Nelson Ltd and Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 2482. 86 p. plus appendices. |
Stevens, L & Robertson, B | 2015 | Kokorua Inlet 2015 Broad scale habitat mapping | Kokorua Inlet, habitat mapping | Report | | Nelson City Council | Stevens L, Robertson B 2015. Kokorua Inlet 2015 Broad scale habitat mapping .Wriggle Coastal Management report. Prepared for Nelson City Council.18 pp plus appendices. |
Stevens, L & Robertson, B | 2014 | Waimea Inlet 2014 Broad scale habitat mapping | Waimea Inlet, habitat mapping | Report | | Tasman District Council | Stevens L, Robertson B 2014. Waimea Inlet 2014 Broad scale habitat mapping. Wriggle Coastal Management report. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 33pp plus appendices. |
Tuckey, B & Robertson, B | 2003 | Broad scale mapping of Waimea and Ruataniwha Estuaries using historical aerial photographs | Waimea Inlet, Ruataniwha estuary, historical, mapping | Report | Cawthron Report No. 828 | Link | Tuckey B, Robertson B 2003. Broad scale mapping of Waimea and Ruataniwha Estuaries using historical aerial photographs. Prepared for Tasman District Council. Cawthron Report No. 828. 28 p. |
Tuck, ID et al. | 2017 | Assessing the effects of fishing on soft sediment habitat, fauna and process | fishing, effects, soft sediment, habitat, fauna, process | Report | New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 178 | Link | Tuck ID, Hewitt JE, Handley SJ, Lundquist CJ 2017. Assessing the effects of fishing on soft sediment habitat, fauna and process. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 178. |
Davidson, RJ & Richards, LA | 2013 | Tonga Island Marine Reserve, Abel Tasman National Park: update of biological monitoring, 1993 – 2013. | Tonga Island, marine reserve, Abel Tasman, monitoring | Report | Davidson Environmental Ltd Research, survey and monitoring report number 771 | Link | Davidson, R.J. and Richards, L.A. 2013. Tonga Island Marine Reserve, Abel Tasman National Park: update of biological monitoring, 1993 – 2013. Prepared by Davidson Environmental Limited for Department of Conservation, Nelson. Survey and Monitoring Report No. 771. |
Department of Conservation | 2008 | Marine Protected Areas Classification, Protection standard and implementation guidelines | Marine protected areas, guidelines | Guidelines | | Link | Ministry of Fisheries and Department of Conservation. 2008. Marine Protected Areas: Classification, Protection Standard and Implementation Guidelines. Ministry of Fisheries and Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand. 54 p. |
Department of Conservation | 2005 | Marine Protected Areas Policy and Implementation Plan | Marine protected areas, implementation plan, policy | Plan, Policy | | Link | Ministry of Fisheries and Department of Conservation. 2005. Marine Protected Areas Policy and Implementation Plan |
Larned, S et al. | 2018 | Land-use impacts on freshwater and marine environments in New Zealand | land-use impacts, marine, freshwater, New Zealand | Report | NIWA CLIENT REPORT No: 2018127CH | Link | Land-use impacts on freshwater and marine environments in New Zealand. Prepared for Ministry for the Environment, June 2018. NIWA Client Report No. 2018127CH |
Dudley, BD & Milne, JR | 2019 | A water quality monitoring programme for estuaries in the Nelson Region | monitoring, estuaries, Nelson, water quality | Report, Programme | NIWA CLIENT REPORT No: 2019055CH | Link | A water quality monitoring programme for estuaries in the Nelson Region. Prepared for Nelson City Council, April 2019. NIWA Client Report No. 2019055CH |
Stevens, L & Robertson, B | 2017 | Nelson Region Estuaries Vulnerability: Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations | estuaries, vunerability, monitoring, recommendations | Report | | Link | Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.P. 2017. Nelson Region Estuaries: Vulnerability Assessment and Monitoring Recommendations. Prepared by Wriggle Coastal Management for Nelson City Council. 36p + appendices. |
Davidson, RJ | 2018 | Qualitative description of estuarine impacts in relation to sedimentation at three estuaries along the Abel Tasman coast | estuaries, sedimentation | Report | Davidson Environmental Ltd Research, survey and monitoring report number 882 | Link | Davidson, R.J. 2018. Qualitative description of estuarine impacts in relation to sedimentation at three estuaries along the Abel Tasman coast. Prepared by Davidson Environmental Ltd. for Sustainable Marahau Incorporated. Survey and monitoring report no. 882. |
Gibbs, MM & Woodward, B | 2018 | Waimea and Moutere sediment sources by land use. | sedimentation, land-use, Waimea, Moutere, estuaries | Report | NIWA client report No: 2018026HN | Link | Gibbs, M.M. and Woodward, B. 2018. Waimea and Moutere sediment sources by land use. Prepared for Tasman District Council by NIWA. NIWA client report No: 2018026HN. |
Heath, RA | 1985 | A review of the physical oceanography of the seas around New Zealand - 1982 | oceanography, New Zealand | Article | New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 19:1, 79-124 | Link | R. A. Heath (1985) A review of the physical oceanography of the seas around New Zealand - 1982, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 19:1, 79-124 |
Schuckard, R & Melville, DS | 2019 | Coastal birds of the Tasman/Nelson Region: A review of current information | coastal birds, Nelson, Tasman | Report | | Link | Schuckard, R.; Melville, D.S. 2019. Coastal birds of the Tasman/Nelson Region: A review of current information. Prepared for Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council. |
Davidson, R et al. | 2010 | Location and biological attributes of biogenic habitats located on soft substrata in the Marlborough Sounds | Marlborough Sounds, biogenic habitats, soft substrata | Report | Davidson Environmental Ltd Survey and monitoring report no. 575. | Link | Davidson, R.J.; Richards, L.A.; Duffy, C.A.J.; Kerr, V.; Freeman, D.; D’Archino, R.; Read, G.B.; Abel, W. 2010. Location and biological attributes of biogenic habitats located on soft substrata in the Marlborough Sounds. Prepared by Davidson Environmental Ltd. for Department of Conservation and Marlborough District Council. Survey and monitoring report no. 575. |
Willis, TJ | 2013 | Scientific and biodiversity values of marine reserves: A review. | marine reserves, values, biodiversity | Review | DOC RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SERIES 340 | Link | Willis, T.J. 2013. Scientific and biodiversity values of marine reserves: A review. DOC Research and development series 340. Department of Conservation. |
Handley, SJ et al. | 2018 | A data driven bioregionalisation to underpin shellfish fisheries restoration, Nelson Bays, New Zealand | shellfish, Nelson Bays, restoration | Report | New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 205 | Link | Handley S.J, Dunn A, Hadfield M 2018. A data driven bioregionalisation to underpin shellfish fisheries restoration, Nelson Bays, New Zealand. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 205. |
Hume, T et al. | 2016 | A classification of New Zealand's coastal hydrosystems | New Zealand, coastal, hydrosystems | Report | NIWA CLIENT REPORT No: HAM2016-062 | Link | Hume T, Gerbeaux P, Hart D, Kettles H, Neale D 2016. A classification of New Zealand's coastal hydrosystems. Prepared for Ministry of the Environment. NIWA CLIENT REPORT No: HAM2016-062. |
Stevens, LM et al. | 2020 | Broad scale intertidal habitat mapping of Moutere Inlet, 2019 | mapping, Moutere Inlet, intertidal | Report | Salt Ecology Report 034 | Link | Stevens LM, Scott-Simmonds T, Forrest BM. 2020. Broad scale intertidal habitat mapping of Moutere Inlet, 2019. Salt Ecology Report 034 prepared for Tasman District Council. 52p. |
Basher, LR | 2003 | The Motueka and Riwaka catchments. A technical report summarising the present state of knowledge of the catchments, management issues and research needs for integrated catchment management | integrated management, catchment management, Motueka, Riwaka, technical report | Report | | Link | The Motueka and Riwaka catchments. A technical report summarising the present state of knowledge of the catchments, management issues and research needs for integrated catchment management. Compiled by L.R. Basher. Landcare Research New Zealand 2003 |
Forrest, BM & Stevens, LM | 2019 | Synoptic overview of the Marlborough District Council estuarine State of the Environment monitoring programme. | estuaries, monitoring, Marlborough District | Report | Salt Ecology Report 010 | Link | Forrest, BM, Stevens, LM. 2019. Synoptic overview of the Marlborough District Council estuarine State of the Environment monitoring programme. Salt Ecology Report 010. Prepared for Marlborough District Council, April 2019. 32p. |
Berthelsen, A et al. | 2018 | National Estuary Dataset: User Manual | estuaries, dataset, user manual | Report, Manual | Oranga Taiao Oranga Tangata, OTOT Report No.5 Cawthron Report No. 3152 | Link | Berthelsen A., Clark D., Goodwin E., Atalah J., Patterson M. (2018). National Estuary Dataset: User Manual. OTOT Research Report No. 5. Cawthron Report No. 3152. Massey University, Palmerston North. |
Anderson, T et al. | 2019 | Review of New Zealand’s Key Biogenic Habitats | New Zealand, biogenic habitats | Review | NIWA CLIENT REPORT No: 2018139WN | Link | Review of New Zealand’s Key Biogenic Habitats. Prepared for the Ministry for the Environment. January 2019. NIWA CLIENT REPORT No: 2018139WN. |
Robertson, B & Stevens, L | 2008 | Motupipi Estuary: Vulnerability and Management Recommendations. | Motupipi Estuary, Golden Bay, Tasman, management, vulnerability | Report | | Link | Robertson B, Stevens L. 2008. Motupipi Estuary: Vulnerability and Management Recommendations. Prepared for Tasman District Council. Wriggle Ltd. Nelson. |
Morrison, MA et al. | 2014 | Linking marine fisheries species to biogenic habitats in New Zealand: a review and synthesis of knowledge | biogenic habitat, New Zealand, marine fisheries | Report | New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 130 | Link | Morrison ML, Jones EG, Consalvey M, Berkenbush K. 2014. Linking marine fisheries species to biogenic habitats in New Zealand: a review and synthesis of knowledge. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 130. |
Fisheries New Zealand | 2020 | Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2019–20. A summary of environmental interactions between the seafood sector and the aquatic environment. | interactions seafood sector, environment, biodiversity | Report | | Link | Fisheries New Zealand (2020). Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Annual Review 2019–20. Compiled by the Aquatic Environment Team, Fisheries Science and Information, Fisheries New Zealand, Wellington New Zealand. 765 p. |
D'Archino, R et al. | 2019 | New Zealand Macroalgae: Distribution and Potential as National Scale Ecological Indicators | macroalgae, New Zealand | Report | New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 207 | Link | D'Archino R, Neill KF, Nelson WA, Fachon E, Peat C. 2019. New Zealand Macroalgae: Distribution and Potential as National Scale Ecological Indicators. New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report No. 207. |
Forest & Bird | 2019 | Ocean acidification: Implications for New Zealand. | ocean acidification, New Zealand | Report | | Link | Forest and Bird Protection Society (2019) Ocean acidification: Implications for New Zealand. |
Newcombe, E & Broekhuizen, N | 2020 | Measuring Mussel Farming Effects on Plankton in the Marlborough Sounds | mussel farm impact, Marlborough Sounds, plankton | Report | Cawthron Report No. 3550 | Link | Newcombe E, Broekhuizen N 2020. Measuring mussel farming effects on plankton in the Marlborough Sounds. Prepared for Marlborough District Council. Cawthron Report No. 3550. 49 p. plus appendices. |
Tasman District Council & Department of Conservation | 2012 | Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve Management Plan | Abel Tasman, Tasman Bay, management, forshore | Management Plan | Department of Conservation Management Plan Series no. 19 | Link | Tasman District Council and New Zealand Department of Conservation 2012, Abel Tasman Foreshore Scenic Reserve Management Plan, Department of Conservation Management Plan Series no. 19 |
Dix, TG | 1970 | Biology of Evechinus chloroticus (echinoidea: Echinometridae) from different localities | Evechinus chloroticus, biology, sea urchins, New Zealand | Article | | Link | Trevor G. Dix (1970) Biology of Evechinus chloroticus (echinoidea: Echinometridae) from different localities, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 4:4, 385-405 |
Bradstock, M & Gordon, DP | 1983 | Coral-like bryozoan growths in Tasman Bay, and their protection to conserve commercial fish stocks | bryozoan, coral-like, Tasman Bay, commercial fish stocks | Article | | Link | Bradstock, M and Gordon, DP (1983), Coral-like bryozoan growths in Tasman Bay, and their protection to conserve commercial fish stocks, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research,Vol. 17 : 159-163 |
Gordon, PD et al. | 1994 | Bryozoan fauna of the Kaipuke siltstone, northwest Nelson: A Miocene homologue of the modern Tasman Bay coralline bryozoan grounds | bryozoan fauna, Kaipuke siltstone, Nelson, miocene, paleoenvironment, modern, Tasman Bay, coralline bryozoan | Article | | Link | Dennis P. Gordon, Ian G. Stuart & John D. Collen (1994): Bryozoan fauna of the Kaipuke siltstone, northwest Nelson: A Miocene homologue of the modern Tasman Bay coralline bryozoan grounds, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 37:3, 239-247 |
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Gillespie, P & Rhodes, L | 2006 | The quantity and quality of suspended particulate material of near-bottom waters in the Motueka River plume, Tasman Bay | Motueka River plume, Tasman Bay, suspended particulate material, quantity and quality | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1114 | Link | Gillespie, P; Rhodes, L. 2006. The Quantity and quality of suspended particulate material of near-bottom waters in the Motueka River outwelling plume, Tasman Bay. Prepared for Stakeholders of the Motueka Integrated Catchment Management Programme. Cawthron Report No. 1114, 26p. |
Gillespie, P et al. | 1995 | Moutere Inlet Ecosystem Investigation | Moutere Inlet, ecosystem, Tasman Bay | Report | Cawthron Report No. 273 | Link | Gillespie, P; Stark, JD; Asher, RA; Fenemor, AD. 1995. Moutere Inlet Ecosystem Investigation. Prepared for Tasman District Council. Cawthron Report No. 273, 37p plus appendices. |
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Gillespie, P & Asher, R | 2003 | Estuarine Impacts of the Land Disposal of Sewage Sludge on Rabbit Island: 2003 Monitoring Survey | Rabbit Island, Tasman District, estuarine impacts, sewage sludge land disposal, Nelson | Survey | Cawthron Report No. 862 | Link | Gillespie, P and Asher, R. 2003. Estuarine Impacts of the Land Disposal of Sewage Sludge on Rabbit Island: 2003 Monitoring Survey. Prepared for Nelson Regional Sewerage business unit. Cawthron Report No. 862, 24p plus appendices. |
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Clark, K et al. | 2006 | Broad scale habitat mapping of Moutere Inlet | Moutere Inlet, habitat mapping, Tasman Bay | Report | Cawthron Report No. 1037 | Link | Clark, KL; Stevens, LM; Gillespie, PA 2006. Broad Scale Habitat Mapping of Moutere Inlet. Prepared for Tasman District Council. Cawthron Report No. 1037. 14pp |
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Gillespie, P & Johnston, O | 2012 | Tasman Bay State of the Environment benthic ecological survey: TASCAM site-2011-revised | Tasman Bay, state of the environment, ecological survey, TASCAM | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2081 | Link | Gillespie P, Johnston O. 2012. Tasman Bay State of the Environment Benthic Ecological Survey: TASCAM Site-2011 - Revised. Prepared for Tasman District Council. Cawthron Report No. 2081. 22p plus appendices. |
Newcombe, E & Cornelisen, C | 2014 | Towards an integrated monitoring programme for Nelson Bays coastal marine area | Nelson Bays, Tasman Bay, coastal marine area, monitoring programme | Report | Cawthron Report No. 2544 | Link | Newcombe E, Cornelisen C 2014. Towards an integrated monitoring programme for Nelson Bays coastal marine area. Prepared for Tasman District Council and Nelson City Council. Cawthron Report No. 2544. 44p plus appendices. |
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Davidson, RJ et al. | 1993 | Internationally and nationally important coastal areas from Kahurangi Point to Waimea Inlet, Nelson, New Zealand - Recommendations for Protection. | important coastal areas, Kahurangi Point, Waimea Inlet, Nelson, protection | Report | Department of Conservation, Nelson/Marlborough Conservancy. Occasional Publication No. 14 | Link | Davidson RJ, Stark KE, Preece JR, Lawless PF, Clarke IE. 1993. Internationally and nationally important coastal areas from Kahurangi Point to Waimea Inlet, Nelson, New Zealand - Recommendations for Protection. Department of Conservation, Nelson / Marlborough Conservancy Occasional Publication No. 14. 121p. |
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Forrest, BM & Stevens, LM | 2030 | Fine Scale Monitoring of Motupipi Estuary | Motupipi Estuary, Golden Bay, Tasman, fine-scale monitoring | Report | Salt Ecology Report 033 | Link | Forrest BM, Stevens LM. 2020. Fine Scale Monitoring of Motupipi Estuary. Salt Ecology Report 033, prepared for Tasman District Council, May 2020. 50p. |
Melville, DS & Schuckard, R | 2013 | Effects of selected activities on shorebirds in Tasman District: Management issues and options for sites of international importance | shorebirds, Tasman District, effects of activities, management issues and options | Report | | Link | Melville DS, Schuckard R 2013. Effects of selected activities on shorebirds in Tasman District: Management issues and options for sites of international importance. 41p plus appendices. |
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Stevens, L & Robertson, B | 2015 | Ruataniwha Inlet 2015 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping | Ruataniwha Inlet, Golden Bay, Tasman District, broad scale habitat mapping | Report | | Link | Stevens LM, Robertson BM, 2015. Ruataniwha Inlet 2015 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Wriggle Coastal Management report. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 24 p. plus appendices |
Stevens, L & Robertson, B | 2017 | Whanganui Inlet 2016 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping | Whanganui Inlet, Golden Bay, Tasman District, broad scale habitat mapping | Report | | Link | Stevens, L.M. and Robertson, B.M. 2017. Whanganui Inlet: 2016 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Report prepared by Wriggle Coastal Management for Tasman District Council. 34p. |
Stevens, L & Robertson, B | 2007 | Motupipi Estuary 2007 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping | Motupipi Estuary, Golden Bay, broad scale habitat mapping | Report | | Link | Stevens LM, Robertson BM, 2007. Motupipi Estuary 2007 Broad Scale Habitat Mapping. Wriggle Coastal Management report. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 27 p. plus appendices |
Robertson, B & Stevens, L | 2008 | Motupipi Estuary 2008 Fine Scale Monitoring | Motupipi Estuary, Golden Bay, fine scale monitoring | Report | | Link | Stevens LM, Robertson BM, 2008. Motupipi Estuary 2008 Fine Scale Monitoring. Wriggle Coastal Management report. Prepared for Tasman District Council. 16 p. plus appendices |
Robertson, B & Robertson, B | 2018 | Motupipi Estuary Fine Scale Monitoring 2017/18 | Motupipi Estuary, Golden Bay, fine scale monitoring | Report | | Link | Robertson, B.P. and Robertson, B.M. 2018. Motupipi Estuary: Fine Scale Monitoring 2018. Report prepared by Wriggle Coastal Management for Tasman District Council. 40p. |
Stevens, L | 2018 | Whanganui Inlet Mapping of historical Seagrass extent | Whanganui Inlet, Golden Bay, Tasman District, historical sea grass extent | Report | | Link | Stevens, L.M. 2018. Whanganui Inlet : Mapping of Historical Seagrass Extent. Report prepared by Wriggle Coastal Management for Tasman District Council. 10p. |
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