Restoring and Protecting Flora Project

“Nau mai haere mai ki Tasman Bay Guardians.”

Restoring and protecting flora project - A collaboration between the Nature Conservancy and Tasman Bay Guardians

Restoring and protecting flora project

A collaboration between TBG and the Nature Conservancy.

Our involvement in this project is at the final stages. We have worked very closely with private landowners and connected groups at public sites. At the beginning of our project we investigated what work and actions had been undertaken at the site by Project Devine. Andy Wards visited the site and developed an end of project format for reporting. These reports have been drafted specifically for the site, and contain an overview of the extensive work that had already taken place, prior to our involvement within the project. Another aspect of our project aims to facilitate community and school group conservation engagement and education that follows best practice, and supports the ongoing management of the site as conservation outcomes for the future.

Further conservation gains on public and private sites aim to increase the resilience of the existing intact native bush by removing high priority pest plant seedlings at the site, creating future planting restoration projects and engagements, gradual planting and maintenance of these sites on an annual basis. Each report contains extensive graphing and mapping of the site. To support this plan, necessary agreements and endorsed actions for the site have been prepared in collaboration with landowners, DOC or TDC.

At the completion of the project TBG can support catchment groups with other weeding projects:

• Provide a site description.
• Identify conservation outcomes and priorities for a concise pest plant control plan.
• Provide a timeframe for the project.
• Generate a best practice restoration and activity plan.
• Administration of funding applications supporting the project.
• Facilitation and support of community conservation engagement activities.
• Support focussed funding of expert restoration contractors to assist long term sustainable outcomes.
• Networking and support for further pest control – trapping.

Best Practice:
• Forest Restoration Framework.
• Risk assessment Matrix – for community engagement activities.
• Communications and links established with key collaborators.

Join us at our next event

If you are interested in joining this educational event contact us below to express your interest and find out more.

Next Event Date:
Date to be confirmed

We Need Your Help!

Tasman Bay Guardians is seeking funding from interested parties to enable schools to receive these amazing programmes. 

If you’re a company or group is interested in supporting this kaupapa,  please contact us today.

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