Collingwood Area School students stayed at the Onetahua Marae for their school camp. Manawhenua ki Mōhua welcomed the students onto the marae and shared the history of the marae and stories. Collingwood Area School shared their Pēpehas to Mana Whenua.
Lead teacher Mieke Smits who organised the camp, led the students on a cultural journey connecting students to the whenua and new environmental spaces in their backyard.
The Tasman Bay Guardians crew connected students from the mountains to the sea learning about bugs (macro invertebrates) in the Wainui awa. Cultural storytelling by Syd Eru at Wainui Bay, exploring what lives underwater by snorkeling at Tata Beach and spotlighting in the marine and freshwater ways at Pohara Beach by night. The students loved the camp and compiled this video of their experiences below